History of the Method


In animal trials, A. Kantrowitz revealed that after taking blood portion from the system into reservoir-balloon during systole and pushing it back through femoral artery in diastole the so-called “diastolic augmentation” phenomena was discovered. This finding triggered interest to begin research of a Counter Pulsation methods, one of the directions of the Assisted Circulation (AC).

In case of exploring natural, vessels' pool of femoral muscles instead of external reservoir, when muscles are being forced to contract in heart beat regimen, but contrary to systole - ventricular contraction phase, we gain non-invasive system of Bio-Mechanical Assisted Circulation  - or Muscular CounterPulsation.

In principle, it is not important which muscle or muscular group is used as AC effector (working part, working organ), but it is valuable to synchronize effector’s work with heart beats  correctly.